Free Spiritual Healing

Free Spiritual Healing

Free Spiritual Healing for People and Animals. Spiritual Healing is a profound holistic system to help regain and maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. It is powerful and it is gentle and it is free! A healer acts as a conduit or channel through which healing energies flow to the client. This also works for animals. There is no limit to what healing may do. It can help with illnesses ranging from the apparently minor through to what may clinically be termed life threatening. It can help heal physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional conditions simply and non-invasively, sometimes to a remarkable degree. Healing can stand alone as a therapy and has no harmful side effects yet it is complementary to other therapies as well as with the treatment your doctor prescribes. If you would like healing please contact fully qualified and experienced practitioner (Rotherhithe based). Please message me for phone number or you can arrange for an appointment through my booking form.